Remove the checkered appearance when navigating page
The checkered appearance that shows whenever navigating outside the currently viewed screen was quite troublesome to my eye to an extent that had me stop using the app despite the dozen other wonderful features, if this was replaced with an area that resembled the actual background it would be wonderful

Nigel commented
Allocate more memory to allow for a smoother scrolling experience and prevent seeing so many check boxes from the slightest page movement.
Tyler commented
Im tired of when you pinch to zoom and unzoom, theres a grid that covers most of the screen. Take away that gid plz and have it update real
Jorge Medrano Dorado commented
When a page si dragged with both fingers the application takeshi a esconde to show the content And shows a grid background. This makes the experience not good and slows down the note taking.
Kohlton Laube commented
I agree. There is a delay in rendering the pdf until you release your finger from panning around the pdf. Can it be fixed so that the pdf is always seen panning or not?
Tyler commented
Remove the shade that you cant see the doc when you move around the document because there is like a shade thing. But you should remove that
Thomas commented
During Scrolling, Theater new parts of the page turn to Pixels. Is there any chance of Fixing this Problem?
Jose commented
It should be faster to be able to visualize the content of a note, often it takes up to 5 seconds is a long time for the displacement, when it should be immediate, ie the entire page should be loaded while navigating through it.
Translated from:
Visualizar mas rápido el contenido de las notas
Debería ser mas rápido el poder visualizar el contenido de una nota, muchas veces se demora hasta 5 segundos es mucho tiempo para el desplazamiento, cuando este debería ser inmediato, es decir la página entera debería estar cargada mientras navegando por ella.