Remove the checkered appearance when navigating page
The checkered appearance that shows whenever navigating outside the currently viewed screen was quite troublesome to my eye to an extent that had me stop using the app despite the dozen other wonderful features, if this was replaced with an area that resembled the actual background it would be wonderful

Manoj Tilak commented
Make the scrolling more smooth. Planning where to and how much to zoom is hard with this pixelated display.
Khalid commented
While scrolling or navigating through the page, it can be annoying because of the checkered appearance that appears and makes the notes load. It would be lovely to scroll and view all the notes instantly without waiting for the notes to load.
Julián commented
The times I've tried this app on my tab s6, the zooming in and out feature was horrendous. In fact, it was what made me decide not to use this app to take notes. Whenever I zoom in or out --and i do that a lot--, it takes about one second to load the rest of the page, and it just makes the experience way worse than it could be. It feels very slow.
Timothy Truong commented
When panning and zooming around the paper, part of the paper disappear and checkered background appears. It makes it harder to navigate large notes because I cannot see what is being moved around. Can you make it so that everything on the paper appears instead of the checkered background when panning and zooming? Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Remove the loading texture that appears while scrolling trough the note
Gaurav Tulsiani commented
Title is misleading.
Background is pixelated when scrolling.
Make it smooth, page continuous. -
Gaurav Tulsiani commented
Title is misleading.
Background is pixelated when scrolling.
Make it smooth, page continuous. -
Ros han commented
When moving the page,the mosaic will appear in a short makes me feel bad.
Anonymous commented
Quando eu movo a tela, aparece aqueles quadriculados até que a página carregue o restante do conteúdo. Isso tira a fluidez.
Fabian Hüttenmüller commented
A more smooth and seamless zoom and scrolling on pages and not this empty Background.
Anonymous commented
Cuando hago zoom y luego muevo el papel del pdf, este es inmediatamente tapado por cuadros pequeños grises que no permiten ver hasta el texto alrededor y por lo tanto uno debe adivinar hasta donde mover la hoja para seguir leyendo el texto. Resulta muy incómodo mover la hoja al hacer zoom. Por favor arreglen esto. Se los agradecería montones.
TrW_Mexi commented
If I quickly zoom in and out the page, all I see is boxes. Please add the function that you can have the whole page loaded all the time so that you can scroll smoothly
Frowin commented
I would like to have the option to leave the pages permanently loaded so that you don't always have to wait a short time when zooming in and out.
So not as standard but as an option -
Fabian Hüttenmüller commented
When i Zoom out or move my page it first Shows up when i stop. It would be nice when the page would update white zooming or scrolling
Nicole commented
Help make navigation through a page smoother
Anonymous commented
Zoomt man in der Notiz oder bewegt man das bild, sieht man den neuen bereich erst beim loslassen. das stört extrem
yap yu hang commented
When scrolling through the unlimited page size, i hope there will not have a few ms of loading time to load.
Utris commented
loading the page a bit further than visible at any given moment, would speed up scrolling through the notes. Another option would be to start loading the page not at the moment the user releases his finger but immediately or after a very short amount of time (like milliseconds).
이영규 commented
어두운 곳에서 편하게 그리고 싶을 때, 저는 페이지 색을 검은색으로 적용합니다.
근데 페이지를 스크롤 할때마다 빈부분이 하얀 투명 배경이 보이니 눈이 아픕니다
그래서 알파배경보단 설정한 배경과 동일하게 해주셨으면 좋겠습니다
Kaemin Akarapanyawit commented
When in pdf, there is a chess pattern when moving, so using blur instead, it's can make me see what is the undercover of chess pattern.