Auto lock lines/highlighter etc. to horizontal or vertical
Add a tool/option to force the highlighter to adhere to text.

Claudia commented
È ottimo l'evidenziatore a mano libera ma ne vorrei anche uno che facesse una linea continua e definita.
Colgo l'occasione per farvi i complimenti per questa app, è la migliore di tutte!! -
Khemmawit Sriyaraj commented
It would be such a great feature like GoodNotes5 on the iPadOS , moreover the highlighter line should be under the texts, not overlay them.
Sam commented
Was going to post this myself! Personally, I see no use to use a highlighting tool that is not automatically horizontally aligned (unless you want to use it to doodle)
Anonymous commented
I agree with this opinion. It is very beneficial.
Samantha commented
one option:
highlight only in text, no free hand ! -
Luke commented
Add a feature for the highlighter where you can highlight text with a horizontal line instead of having to do it free hand.
michele.gallinelli commented
In pdfs, mark the text highlighting in straight lines, as on ezpdf. Now I draw with the pen over the text, but I usually go up and down, not straight.