Interactive slides (with zoom to region)
Presentation Mode with zoom on regions: Declare shapes as interactive controls, which, when tapped, zoom to other regions on the same view. Would be very handy to create demonstrators of mockups (screenshot sequences) or to interactive presentations (e.g. for brainstorming sessions).
Anonymous commented
Extending on this idea: I also use Squid for my personal Kanban boards. With the ability to link the items to other regions on other pages, I could collect use the board as entry point to my project by jumping to detailed descriptions of the work items.
How could this look like:
1) On any page: select a region and use funtion "name this region"
2) On another page: select a region and use function "set as link"
a) In dialog select either "External" (to paste a URL)
b) or select from a liste of named regions, grouped by (notes/page) or by recently created