Allow splitting infinite page into multiple fixed size pages when exporting and printing
I am an engineering student and it would be great to be able to keep writing on what seems like one page when doing derivations or keeping track of related equations. I cannot use infinite page for this because when it comes to exporting and printing, it prints out microscopic because so much is on one page. I have convinced many classmates to purchase tablets because they fall in love with the neatness and ease of notetaking that Squid provides. This is the only feature that is missing; besides that it's perfect!

Sergio commented
I do a lot of brainstorming with this app, when i try to print it it is too small, infinit paper does not work to print, an interesting option could be to export files in vectors, so you can edit it in another software send it to a plotter.
Matthew Funk commented
I agree, for example i use the engineering grid paper a lot, but if we could scroll down for more pages like in a word document it would be nicer to see where you left off on each page.
pacnel96 commented
I agree that if the page could move automatically to the right when I get to the edge of the screen, it would make the process faster rather than having to stop writing and swipe the page to the left. Additionally, when the page is a finite size, if it could automatically move down and to the left side of the page, writing would be faster and more fluid.