When moving a note to a folder I would like the list of folders to choose from to be sorted in the same order as my chosen sort setting
When moving a note to a folder I would like the list of folders to choose from to be sorted in the same order as my chosen sort setting
This was fixed in version 3.4.10.
Wendell Hayes commented
This issue is KILLING me! As an outside sales representative I use this app for everything as I am mobile, not sitting at a desk and I struggle to keep up with a note written on a piece of paper. I currently have 525 folders. That grows daily. Reports in PDF format are a big part of my daily tasks. When I open a PDF file with Squid it defaults to unfiled notes. When I attempt to move that PDF to the pertinent customers folder it opens the destination/target folders in random order. No way to display alphabetically. Try scrolling through 525 folders at random looking for the desired destination. Yeah, it will drive you completely crazy! You used to be able to long press and drag. Bring that option back or allow destination folders to sort alphabetically or as you say same as chosen sort selection. Squid is still of course the best note taking app I have tried. I have experimented with many. Thanks in advance Squid for fixing this issue.