Please submit one idea at a time. If your idea already exists, vote on it rather than submitting a new idea. If there’s something specific you’d like to mention, add a comment. This helps us quickly see what ideas are most important to our users. Thanks for your feedback!
2830 results found
Support hyperlinks
Give an option to insert and click internal and external hyperlinks.
251 votes -
Scale the geometric figures by entering measurements.
Scalare le figure geometriche inserendo delle misure
2 votes -
Publish the cost structure of your premium subscription
On the app-store it says there are in-app purchases. Some searching reveals it must be that "premium" subscription that offers a couple of advanced features. But I couldn't find the price structure. Normally I'd dismiss any app that has in-app purchases listed, especially if the description doesn't explicitly refer to them, and I bet many other users feel the same way. So how about adding that info in your app description.
9 votes -
Turn off navigation bar/ bottom bar
I regulary close the app accidentally because I touch the navigation bar at the bottom. Could you please make an option to turn off the bar.
48 votes -
Limit writable area
When we set the page size as A4 or other options, we still can write outside of viewable area, and in page setting it says there are some contents outside of area. This is annoying. When we set page size, we shouldnt be able to write outside of it.
4 votes -
Crop PDF files upon import
option to crop pdf file
3 votes -
Allow exporting/importing with Google Keep
Until I discovered Squidnotes, I had always used Google Keep as my notetaking app. I'd really hate to lose all of my notes from Keep, but I want all of my notes in one place using the same app. It'd be great if there were a way to export from Keep to Squid.
20 votes -
Have selected areas lockable at the size they are, also rotatable.
Have selected areas lockable at the size they are, so when you move them they don't get changed in shape or size. Also rotatable. Put a dot outside that toggles between lock/unlock, have it menu selectable to be default set as one option and to default afther every use or when toggled. Also another dot for rotation.
2 votes -
Bring pen tools like Inkredible Pro app. That's what squid lacks behind. Use this app you will get to know about beauty of writing.
More shapes and its controlling features like autocad.
7 votes -
Change size of text with up/down keys
Add up/down buttons rather than slider bar OR make slider bar waaayyy bigger to allow for better control and easier selection of pen thickness/ font size.
25 votes -
Increase the limit of highlighter width
Increase the highlighter to go over 10 mm.
2 votes -
15 votes
Move pages between notes
Add the option to move or copy a page to a different note.
135 votes -
Change background of all pages at once
For pdf export or just because its nicer to scroll through it should be possible to chabge the background of ALL pages of a note at once
24 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Linux compatibility
Hello ,
Support please Linux
36 votes -
Daily planner
Make a note type for writing daily schedules i.e. it has hourly slots for qeiting what u have done in each hour
11 votes -
Swipe between pages in view-only (reading) mode
I wish I could flip through pages instead of tapping the next page button during reading mode.
354 votesThis is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Add 11x17 paper size
Add more paper sizes, particularly 11x17!
18 votes -
Notebook cover
Each notebook have a custom cover, and only the covers are shown to preserve privacy at the front interface
89 votes -
Ability to set a printer and print a page or series
Print button
11 votes
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